
November 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

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Back in August in Okinawa, I spent a bit of time on my hands and knees photographing mudskippers. Mudskippers are fairly common but unique fish that spend half their day out of the water. Their fins have evolved into leg like appendages allowing them to leave the water and hop or crawl around the mudflats and rocks in search of food. 
They are often seen in the mangroves but are hard to photograph there because of the bright light and the difficulty of access through the soft mud. But in the coarse sandy tidal flats of Northern Yanbaru I had some better luck. In the hot sun of the Okinawan summers, they hide out in small cracks and caves of the cliffs when the tide goes out and with a headlamp and camera I was able to get some super close up photos of a mudskippers in their true colours. 


Rockfish DoneP1070708 HankoRockfish DoneP1070708 Hanko

Barred Mudskipper ミナミトビハゼ


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