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February 28, 2014 - 私は釣りをしませんが 人が釣りをしている姿は、 とても絵になります。 東京スカイツリーをバックに 麦藁帽子で 富士山をバックに夜釣り 夕焼けの中ライフジャケットで プロは釣具...
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Little Sparkles of Japanese Magic

February 23, 2014 - My cousin had a short stopover in Japan this afternoon. Before he arrived, I was wondering how on earth I could show som...
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Before the Christchurch Earthquakes

February 20, 2014 - This Saturday is the 3rd anniversary of the earthquake that killed 185 people and changed the city of Christchurch forev...
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Cape Nojima

February 17, 2014 - I need a break from all the snow, so what better time to dig up some photos from last Autumn that I never got around to...
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Absence of Colours

February 14, 2014 - As I stand here in front of my computer looking through photos from last weekend’s record snowstorm, it is snowing again...
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February 10, 2014 - English version here. 前のブログの記事 で、雪景色の写真を撮りに行く準備をしていると書きましたが 天気予報の通り、関東地方は大雪になりました。 東京では20年前にも同様の積雪があったようですが、こちら千葉...
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The 2014 Tokyo Snowstorm

February 10, 2014 - 日本語版は こちら In my last blog post I said that I was getting ready for a snowstorm. Well, the weather forecasters were cor...
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Last piece of the puzzle

February 07, 2014 - Tomorrow, a whole lot of snow is forecast to fall on Chiba. So this evening, I’ve been busy packing my camera equipment...
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The Official Start of Spring

February 03, 2014 - Today is the first day of Risshun 立春, the official start of Spring on the traditional Asian calendar. Ume, Japanese...
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