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January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
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Autumn Rain

November 30, 2014 - ( 日本語版はこちら ) We had on and off rain here yesterday, but in the late afternoon it cleared. Just before sunset I walke...
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Fire maples

November 27, 2014 - Photographing individual maple leaves up close is my preferred style. I like to show each leaf at life size or larger, a...
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I just wish the days were a bit longer

November 25, 2014 - Like every one else around here at the moment, I am loving the autumn leaves. This week they are in full colour in Chib...
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Free Wallpapers

November 22, 2014 - I have made some free desktop wallpapers available for downloading. If you are interested in using one, it's pretty s...
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A twinkle of maple magic

November 18, 2014 - I witnessed a twinkle of nature's magic recently, but it was oh so short. For a brief moment as the setting sun...
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First Maple

November 12, 2014 - My first maple photo for this year. I found a few coloured leaves in a local park at the weekend and was pretty happy t...
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Forest Gold

November 09, 2014 - Just one photo today. A new landscape called "Forest Gold" Been wanting to photograph this waterfall for a few...
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トンボ vs カマキリ

November 06, 2014 - 秋もすっかり深まってきましたね。 昆虫達も、だんだん数が少なくなってきました。 秋の空の昆虫といえばトンボですね。 枝などの先端にとまって羽を休めています。 それを狙っているのは。。。 カマキリです!...
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Cape Taito

November 02, 2014 - It is a long weekend here in Japan, so I got up early and drove out to the Pacific coast for sunrise. This tiny little b...
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