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July 31, 2013 - English version Here 今日はアマガエルのかわいい話と写真を。 私は貸し菜園をやっていますが、毎年そこで立てている竹の棒に、ニホンアマガエルが夏の間ずっと住んでいます。 その棒にトンボやチョウがよく止まるので、虫...
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Light Painting

July 26, 2013 - Most of my photography is about capturing natural beauty, looking for patterns and balance in things that already exist.
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Caught in a Summer Downpour

July 22, 2013 - One of the first things I noticed when walking down the main street of Minakami, a small riverside village in the mounta...
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The Effects of Coffee on Owls

July 18, 2013 - Over the past few years, I have spent hours and hours carefully observing the behaviour of owls and the effects that cof...
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Chasing Typhoons!

July 13, 2013 - The sun pops above the horizon just after 4am at this time of year in Japan so I don’t usually bother doing sunrises ove...
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Photo-Bombed by a Mantis

July 07, 2013 - Boo!! Meet the Japanese Giant-Mantis, the photo-bomber of the insect world. Giant mantises, called ookamakiri in Jap...
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