Most of my photography is about capturing natural beauty, looking for patterns and balance in things that already exist.
But sometimes I like to mix it up and try a bit of creative stuff too, especially when I meet up with other photographers.
This is one of my favourite creative images:
Fifteen seconds of chaos
It's called
“Fifteen seconds of chaos”:
It’s a 15 second exposure through a car windscreen, while rotating the camera.
The white lines are street lamps,
the yellow ones are car headlights
& the red lines are brake lights from the car in front.
Recently, I had some fun doing some Light Painting photographs.
I’ve done some light painting before, but it’s always just been improvised.
This time I prepared for it. I thought about what I wanted to create beforehand, and planned the equipment and location to suit my idea.
Here are the results:
Octopus Orb
That one is called "Octopus Orb"
You can just see me, inside the orb while I was making it.
Damon Bay Lightpainting
And that one is obvious! The red lights on the lakeshore in the background are a family letting off fireworks.
I almost fell in the water writing the last letter!
And this one,
Runaway Planet
It's called "Runaway Planet".
Light painting is great fun, there are some amazing light painting photos on the internet, it’s a whole genre of photography. I could look at light panting photos for hours.
Here are a couple more light painting photos I did earlier this year.
Moonlight Hiking
"Moonlight Hiking" Done with a headlamp.
Light Painting on Mt Takao
"Light Painting on Mt Takao"
All you need to get started is a camera with long exposure capabilities.
There are hundreds of tutorials on youtube and other websites.
Try it!!
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Thanks and Enjoy!
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