We had on and off rain here yesterday, but in the late afternoon it cleared.
Just before sunset I walked over to my local village shrine to see how the Gingko trees were looking.They were bright yellow, and the ground beneath them had turned into a carpet of golden leaves, all knocked off by the falling rain.
I haven't managed any decent gingko leaf photos this yet this year, so I was studying the branches above, looking for a leaf facing in the right direction to catch the late sunlight, when I noticed a little frog sitting on a branch.
Gingko Froggy
A Japanese tree frog (Amagaeru アマガエル).
I haven't seen a frog for weeks! They are all hibernating now, hidden away deep inside the bark of old trees or in other holes and cracks they can find.
This frog had probably been driven out of hiding by the rain. It may have chosen a hole with a leaky roof, or it may have been just tricked into thinking that it was Spring by the temperature rise that the rain brought.
It is not that rare to see tree frogs at this time of year, the clever individuals can be found on the warm slopes of the south facing hills, where the day time temperatures on still sunny days can still be in the twenties. Those frogs often come out on warm days at this time of year, but the cold nights keep them from venturing far from their winter holes.
Last year, I also ran into tree frog while photographing autumn leaves, I wrote a blog about it here.
The Japanese tree frog I met yesterday was different than any I have ever seen before though. This frog was jet black on its back.
Gingko Frog
Japanese tree frogs come in a variety of colours, but are usually shades of green, brown or grey. Every few years, a blue one is found and usually makes the TV news in Japan.
When I get some time, I will go ask Google how common black ones are.
Well I better not finish a blog post without a maple picture, the colours are incredible at the moment and will only last another week or so.
This is a species of native maple called Oomomiji オオモミジ。
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Check out some of my other photography:
Mt Fuji here
The amazing Jewel Beetle here
Perfect rainbows here
Hilarious Frogs here
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