雷雲とカラス Thunder Clouds and crows

June 30, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

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We have been seeing lots of thunderstorm clouds here these last few weeks, but haven't had much thunder yet.
A few evenings ago, I was getting into my car when I noticed this well positioned crow silhouetted against these beautiful thunder clouds way off in the distance. 

City crows love perching up high and keeping a watching out for other birds and animals that enter their territories. When they spot an enemy, they rally their mates together and then mob the foe, driving it away before returning to their perch. They only do this to birds and animals they see as a threat. 

Getting to understand crow behaviour is a good way to spot hawks and owls, which are the crow's greatest enemies because they prey on young crows.  Crows will spot a hawk as soon as it comes over the horizon, their eyesight is much better than ours. So by watching what the crows are doing often leads us to discover things we wouldn't otherwise notice.

Be careful though...I think I have spent too much time watching the crows in my neighbourhood.
They now recognise me, and have decided that I am a threat! 
As soon as I leave my house they cry out, and usually follow me until I am several hundered metres from the forest that they nest in. They are not bothered by anyone else who walks past them. A few times I have walked out of the supermarket, which is a few kilometres from my house, and the crows have squawked at me and followed me the whole way home, flying between lamp posts, always staying a few dozen metres behind me. 

They don't bother me when I am out in by garden, even though they can still see me. If I leave yard and venture out into the street, they squawk. 

They are very very clever birds. 

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