Happy New Year!

December 31, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


Happy New Year!!


I guess the best way to welcome the new year is to share my favourite image from 2013.

This one is called "Swans at Sunrise" and the more times I see it, the higher it climbs up my favourite images list. It's probably my favourite image for 2013. Ironically I took it on the 2nd day of the year. Should have quit while I was ahead!
It was a sub zero morning and the swans (Bewick's Tundra Swans, コハクチョウ in Japanese) were warming up in the early morning sunrise. I spent about 20 minutes on my knees on the cold river stones, slowly shuffling towards the swans. Just when I decided that I was in a good position this swan opened its wings up in front of me and flapped them a few times in slow motion. 
Hope you like it as much as I do! 
Swans at SunriseSwans at Sunrise


That was a super morning for bird photography. I also took these photos that day:


Bewicks Tundra Swan コハクチョウBewicks Tundra Swan コハクチョウ



Reed Bunting  オオジュリンReed Bunting オオジュリン

凍った草にとまったオオジュリン Reed Bunting on frosted reeds.



Male Northern Pintail  オナガガモのオスMale Northern Pintail オナガガモのオス

A Northern Pintail



Swans in MistSwans in Mist


Thanks for following me in 2013, hoping that 2014 will be even better!



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Thanks and Enjoy!



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