カラス Crows

July 05, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

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I received a letter the other day from a friend who bought my book. There was one comment in the letter that really made me smile.
The friend said her favourite photo in the book was this one and she was intrigued at how cute they looked for crows:


Ryukyuhashibutogarasu HankoRyukyuhashibutogarasu Hanko

(pg 108)

I was really touched by this comment because crows get a bad rap in Japan. It is mainly because they are black and noisy, but also because like rats and seagulls they often scavenge from us humans and so are seen as opportunistic thieves.
But really they are just fragile birds trying hard to survive, and when we stop and observe them carefully we can see that they are actually amazingly beautiful birds that are are in no way evil. 
I hope this photo shows the more curious and playful side of crows and encourages more people to look at them differently.


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