
June 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

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It's rainy season here now and that means Hydrangeas! Like giant pompoms, these colourful flowers are in full bloom everywhere right now and are a welcome sight in this humid and overcast season.
Hydrangeas, (Ajisai
アジサイ in Japanese) are native to Asia and so they love the humid weather.
Like many Japanese plants, their leaves have evolved to grow large and fast so they can soak up as much sun as possible during the rainy season.
These big juicy leaves are a smorgasbord for insects, and by the time the real summer arrives in August it is pretty much impossible to find a hydrangea leaf that hasn't been half eaten by some kind of hungry bug.
The frogs must know this because in nearly every hydrangea bush, there seem to be at least a dozen tiny frogs, hiding among the leaves, sleeping through the hot days and feeding and singing at night.
These 3cm long Japanese tree frogs (amagaeru
アマガエル) blend in perfectly to the hydrangea leaves, but if you look really carefully, you can usually find a few of them!

Rainy Season Frog_8307 done HankoRainy Season Frog_8307 done Hanko

Frog Ajisai_1334 HankoFrog Ajisai_1334 Hanko




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