Maybe I was just half asleep?

August 07, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


At this time of year, I like to go for early morning walks among the rice paddies.

The temperature there is a quite cool compared to everywhere else, there is even dew on the rice plants before the sun gets to it. 

Early mornings are also the best time for observing nature in Summer. Nightimes are short at this time of year so things are still pretty busy in the first few hours of the day. It's a good time to spot Tanuki dogs, badgers, stoats and snakes. Creatures that are seldom seen around here during the day.   
And if you're really lucky, you get to see some of the real fun stuff.

This week,
I saw a pole vaulting inch worm.

Inch Worm HighwayInch Worm Highway


A frog on an escalator.

Frog HighwayFrog Highway


An ant on a roller coaster.

Ant HighwayAnt Highway


And a cicada playing Tarzan.

Cicada ShellCicada Shell

Or maybe I was still half asleep?



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Perfect rainbows here

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