A tornado, I think? 竜巻かな?

September 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


While out and about on Saturday,
I found a nice little Persian silk tree, growing on a grass verge beside some rice paddies.
A large cumulus thunder cloud was forming fast behind the tree making a striking silhouette. 


Nemu TreeNemu Tree


While photographing it I saw a few lightning flashes inside the cloud, so I set up my compact camera on time lapse mode to see what the developing storm would look like in high speed.
I left the camera filming, and went for a walk to see what else was in the area, while keeping an eye on the storm just in case it started to move in my direction.

The storm stayed in the same place, but after a few minutes heavy rain bands started falling directly underneath it.
Then, right in front of me, what I think was a tornado started forming. It never touched the ground, so I'm still not sure if it was a tornado, but it was fun to watch anyway.

Here is the time lapse video. The wannabe tornado forms again and again behind the tree.


Tornado Trying



Thanks and Enjoy!

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